The history of {CHAOS}.
When I first played Battlefront I knew that I really loved
the game, later on, I began to play online, and soon after went on holidays. Upon my return, I found out that clans had
started on Battlefront. I thought it was a good idea, and Iwas offered to join many clans. I almost accepted the offer by
the {Jet} clan, but decided not to in the end. I then realised why I didnt want to join any of these clans. It was because
I found it hard to take orders from other people. So I thought for days what to call my clan, and finally thought of the name....{CHAOS}.
Before I created the clan, I sought advice from other clans about making a clan and what to do. After little help from others
except for the information 'make them get 30 kills to enter' I went on a clan game for a friendly match, and was greeted with
a 'stuff off' it was from a young lad in the {DARK} clan. With that I created my clan, and sought to be the biggest and most
powerful clan on Battlefront. I wanted to give a helping hand to the smaller clans that were not as well of as my clan was,
but found myself too busy with my own clan.
Meanwhile, there were problems with a rutheless clan named TOXIC.
They forfitted the war, and thus lost. We were victorious but I was and still am, aching for a battle in which we wade through
the blood of the dead, and are knee-deep in bodies.
Several months on, {CHAOS} experienced the Dark Times, and I found
out that many didnt like my command. {Chaos} will be once again restored in order now that i have given up my command, and
passed it onto Death. Let us see these new times, because the Dark Times, are over! by:{CHAOS}
Leader Death was taken off command into his former rank. Public oppinion was on {CHAOS} Leader's side. Members wanting
{CHAOS} Leader's retiring left the clan. That threw the {CHAOS} in to a state of crysis it's still recovering from. There
was a good side to everything though. It left only the most loyal , best & trustworthy members in the clan. Members
who only need the new summer to restore their former glory. The clan's current state isn't the best , we are despared for
new recruits . A re-organisation of the rank/ join/promotion systems has begun. Hopefuly for the best.
A {CHAOS} member
, At-a , left the clan. He took over our CSS branch. Actions to limit the damage done by him are taking place.
Death applied the clan to join UAEF. UAEF is a large group of clans which co-operate & help each other. For
more information on UAEF visit their site http://www.freewebs.com/uaef/index.htm{CHAOS} is now allied with a very impressive clan called
97th Clone Squadron. With a new time comming for {CHAOS}, this alliance is going to be very profitable for both clans. Indeed
97th's organisation is going to be of great help during the reforms in {CHAOS}. To see more information on our new ally
visit their site at http://www.97thclansite.co.nr/
The {CHAOS} Halo branch is expanding rapidly.Indeed recruiting
has beed most successive. & the recruits themselfs very good.Visit the Halo site page(Navigation).
The main site
has undergone a re-making.Now it's really a main site!
Work on the SW site has really picked up steam. Also Death &
Bantha won a clan duel. 2 vs 2 againts {Darth} clan! ALL HAIL BANTHA MASTER DARK TROOPER!
Time has passed. We are now
in a tournament organised by 97th clan. ToA(Tournament of allies) is a contest betwin allies of 97th. {CHAOS} is set to play
againts CWC , a good & respectible clan. The battle was supposed to be on the 17th of August but due to vacations of members
on both sides it was set somewhere in 2 weeks.
After canceling the war 2 times ( Becouse of CWC) , it's now off for
somewhere after the holyday. But not to worry we have organised a new war with COI clan. Due on this Sunday.
war with COI was a complete victory .As Niknod commented after the battle " It wasn't a war, it was a masacre."
A new
recruit {CHAOS} Josh.
by: {CHAOS} Death
Death has deserted the clan of his heritage.To join {PRO} clan.
His claim was inactivity of Leader. The Second Dark Times loom on the horizon.
By: {CHAOS} Leader Death returned. As was said in times past " There is no escape from {CHAOS} , it marks us all...".
The Clan will be great once more!
Ranks have been recreated. The member status system proved inefective. All members
from SWBF 1 are now in High Command.
Squads have been created. The attack squad Alpha under Leader's command &
defense squad Saajuk'Khar under Death. Tactics are being created now.
Three new recruits in a single day. X5.NL , Cody
& Jackie.
X5.NL has been transfered to Saajuk'Khar squad & promoted to corporal for his skill.
won a fun war vs (ROUGE). 4 vs 4 and the end result wa 4-1 for the clan. All hail {CHAOS}!
New recruits continue too
flow in!
By: {CHAOS} Death